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Bottled Ship Builder

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Its summer, so the garden and other outdoor type of work comes first, however I'm planning ahead. I'm going to attempt a Black Pearl for my daughter who is very much into Pirates of the Caribbean, especially as she is now training in special effects for the film industry. Hopefully as a Xmas present. At the moment drawing up a (to me) decent set of plans as their is precious little out there to work from. So far I've started from this 





to this




basically tracing it and using information from photographs. One of the troubles is that it was not a 'proper ship' but a 'set' on a barge. It also changed in some of the deck layout between films, so I have to try and keep to the first. The rigging I will draw from a generic style - having the captstan centred on the mainmast must have made belaying fun. Lots of hours work so far, mainly later on in the evening, not finished yet and the profiles are not to scale  - that's the next step.


I hope to start within a few weeks - the rum bottle should be empty by then.





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I tried importing the original into a small CAD programme I have. (Totalcad 2D-3D. It cost about £7 and has a reasonable tutorial and pdf manual). Trouble is, I'm very much a learner on CAD, however the original was way too 'noisy' for the auto trace function to work. I then tried importing it into a paint program that allowed me to scrub off a lot of the extra that was obviously not part of the drawing. After that I used the draw function in Powerpoint because I'm familiar with it. Its reasonable, and using the zoom, and points editing, you can get curves ok. The other features I used were replication, grouping, aligning and rotation. Sizeing was fine adjusted by using the % increase or decrease buttons in the size and position function,. Basically, I used it as an 'electric drawing board and instruments' coupled with good old fashioned engineering drawing skills. Remember to save regularly. Likewise I used it to 'sketch' from some of the film stills for deck fitting details. Its taken a while, but I'm getting there. I'll do a build log when I get started. I'm also going to learn to use CAD - must be quicker.





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Hi Gwyl!

Thanks for the compliment!

I have used for this model:
for hull - pear
for deck - light and pink pear 0.5x0.5 mm
for planking of the hull - light pear and colorized hornbeam (red and black) 0.5x0.5, 0.8x0.5 mm
mast, yard and bowsprit - bamboo

Before I used the planks cutted of veneer with a scalpel and a metal ruler. But a few months ago my friend have cut the planks of different size with a circular saw.




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The second model was of the USCG Eagle, done is 1993. It has a vertical and horizontally split hull, horizontal split at the waterline, and vertical split just off center. The slightly off center vertical split allowed me to fasten the masts to the center of the upper hull, I used Hinkley style hidden hinges on all the masts.

Hi John,

I am going to build the model in a bottle of one of the ships USCG also.  Have you draw the logo of USCG or used the decal ?


Best Regards!


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