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Bottled Ship Builder

New Member From The States


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Hey Everyone, excited to be joining this group! I have always had a fascination with ships in bottles and have finally decided to build one.


My other modeling subjects mostly revolve around wooden ship models of various scales ranging from 1/48, 1/96, and 1/128. I am hoping I can leverage some of these skills on this endeavor.


What are some resources people would recommend for a first time ship in bottle builder? Also, what are people's favorite places to buy bottles?

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Welcome aboard bsmith.

I sometimes buy bottles from charity shops.I think you call them thrift stores in the states. Quite often you can pick up a nice specimen for a few bucks. Other than that I get them from friends or else bottle banks.

Resources, well first delve into this site for some great tips; perhaps invest in a ships in bottles book and then set about deciding what ship or boat you really want to make.  Get drawings from books or the net and size them to fit your bottle. The internal size of your bottle will determine the scale of the model .A lot of tools can be home made . I'm sure other people can chip in here to give some good advice.

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Welcome!  Finding bottles is a fun part of this hobby.  I always keep an eye out in thrift stores and antique shops.  Hobby stores have some pretty good ones as well.  Most importantly though tell all your friends who drink that you build ships in bottles.  They'll show up with a ton of bottles.  Usually they'll ask if the bottles are good enough.  I tell them if they aren't I'll throw them away for you.  My friends have brought me some really good ones. 

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