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Bottled Ship Builder

New and ready to learn

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Good evening!

My name is Tom, I'm from Wisconsin. A few years ago I got a job helping restore an old steamboat on the Mississippi and that's when my passion for maritime culture really took off. I learned how to sail last year and that has become my true passion. I'm also an officer candidate for the Marine Corps and look forward to a career at sea. Building a SIB has been something I've been reading and slowly gathering resources together to do for the past year or so. Whatever advice or criticism anyone has just shoot it my way! I'm here to learn and appreciate a lost art

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Welcome to the forum, Tom. As for advice, well I suppose the best I can give if you haven't built your first SIB yet is that there's no time like the present. Pick a vessel that tickles your fancy, get a bottle and some bits of wood, and get to building 'er.

As for learning, well you've come to right place, the membership here is very friendly and knowledgeable about making SIB's. 

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Welcome aboard, UpCreekWithoutPaddlewheel !
As I think, the best way to learn something is to try to do it.
Just find the bottle, select the pattern for the model and go ahead! Here you will always find the answers to your questions that arise during the work.
Good Luck!

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