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Bottled Ship Builder

Bermuda Sloop


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I've been asked to do a presentation on ship in bottle building at a library in town.  To do so I needed something quick and easy so I started on this Bermuda sloop.  I'll have to get more photo's later but what I've done is carved out the hull and planked one side.  I left the other side unplanked to show how the ship goes together.  I'm not sure I'll ever officially bottle this particular ship.  I think I'll keep it for future demonstrations.   I definitely need to bottle a good Bermuda sloop though.  I really like these particular vessels.  20170309_072643.jpg  


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  • 10 months later...

I forgot about this build log until I just started the other one.  Actually this ship is done.  I have it set up so that I can show how masts will raise and lower while connected to this plank of wood.  It's come in handy in a couple different model shows.  I have started another build log for a beginners Bermuda Sloop.  It will look very similar to this one but will have some more complicated detailed parts left out like the planking.  Planking ships in bottles is something I started doing recently and I need to get more practice on it.  Most of my ships so far have been done without planking.


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