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Bottled Ship Builder

A real beginners model


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I came across this ship a number of years ago at the Scottish Maritime Museum.It was on a slip high and dry, roofed over and in pretty poor condition. There was a lot of politics involved, Google for the full story, but it was eventually barged to Australia for restoration. The current website is under updating. (http://cityofadelaide.org.au/), but I pulled this off a couple of years ago. It keeps younger kids busy on a rainy afternoon.





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I went aboard the City of Adelaide some years ago in Scotland.     The Irvine Museum had a plan posted on their board.   I wrote asking if they could supply me with a copy, but they never replied.    Eventually, I built this model from photographs and data from Lloyds Register.    



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I went aboard the City of Adelaide some years ago in Scotland.     The Irvine Museum had a plan posted on their board.   I wrote asking if they could supply me with a copy, but they never replied.    Eventually, I built this model from photographs and data from Lloyds Register.    





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I remember this ship from a post Rick Spillman had on his blog. @ Allan, you are right there was a lot of controversy over this vessel and a lot of $$$ to get it barged down under. Let's hope it can one day look like Bob's pristine model. In the mean time I think the restoration is going to be brutal as it looks like there is a lot of dry rot to get rid of.


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