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Bottled Ship Builder

Ingenuity and Dexterity Exercise For Bottlers


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Here is an exercise in ingenuity and dexterity.    The two photographs are not faked in any way and the bottle is whole, and has NOT had the bottom cut off, and later replaced.     The brass rod is 1/4 inch diameter with an  1/8th inch hole drilled in the end.     The bolt is 6ba, 0.9 inches long (larger than the bottle neck, of course!).     The nut closest to the head was put on outside the bottle, and glued with a spot of superglue.   The brass rod, two washers and the other nut were put on inside the bottle, and the top nut made permanent with a spot of superglue.   The close-up photograph is taken through the bottle!    It made me realise how difficult it must be to put a complex ship in a bottle.   It took me ages and was very frustrating at times.




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Good job!

     My Brother has a 'puzzle bottle' he made, with a similar setup. He didn't glue the last nut on, though, as he likes to take it apart and put it back together now and then, just for fun! He put a large ball bearing in the bottle, too, which can be ingeniously used to help with undoing the nut, when placed a certain way. 

    I haven't tried to get it apart....Never enough time when I'm over there!

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Last night, I watched the interesting U Tube clip of JerseyCityFrankie putting a ship in a bottle.   After it finished, the next clip was of the wooden ball  version of the above, much larger.    As I specialise in miniatures, I felt a smaller version in brass and steel would provide me with a challenge.    I suppose it took me about 40  minutes, but by the time I finally managed to get the top nut on, I was pretty fed up.      Therefore I sealed it on with superglue as I don't suppose I will ever make another! :lol:


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