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Bottled Ship Builder

Forum Vs Facebook


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Curiously, since I began my interventions in this English Bottled Ship Builder forum, and later managed to open a section of this technique in a Spanish one, I received two invitations to join two Facebooks, one with the same English name and another from the Ibero-American Association of Ships in Bottle.

I always wondered why ten years ago there were a lot of ship in a bottle forums. Have all ship-in-a-bottle modelers disappeared? Has everyone switched to Facebook?... Well, as far as I know, neither one nor the other, some blog, very few of some teachers and little else, I'm not very good at this Internet thing and even less so at Facebook, so It's just that I haven't been able to find or look for them...I still doubt that it may have happened.

Of course accept, both invitations to join those pages, it would be impolite of me not to do so, it is a shared hobby, and of course one always has the exit door open if he does not like it. I have found, to my surprise, with an interaction, beyond the "likes" and similar icons that has surprised me, from many people who have been interested in my techniques to make the sea, others the backgrounds of sky and clouds or cliff materials, my construction techniques, even the type of woods I prefer... I have even been asked if I was selling a certain boat.

Specifically, they want to buy me the "Bodrio"... if there is a taste for everything... I'm about to give it to them.

It has touched me. In short, they are just a few reflections, the level of effort of Facebook is lower in that I do not put compilations or step by step of any model, answering technical questions is also easier and in general the pace of communication is more fluid and abundant.

But I am old school and I like a forum, with its advantages and disadvantages.

I'm just trying to understand what happened, whatever it is I've missed it, but something must have happened, Nor have I found more than three modellers that I already knew in Facebook groups and for whatever reasons they don't want to participate in forums even if they are specific, it's as if they had ended up scalded or burned... I keep wondering where the thousands have gone of members that made up the forums...it's all a mystery.

All the best.

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For me Facebook is just a quick peep at the latest bottled ships mostly produced by the same people often or not but it’s anyway interesting to observe the different skill levels. I am on Facebook and probably on the bottom level of skill by the way!

This forum is easy going and great for sharing information and especially wonderful build logs which I find very interesting which you don’t really get on Facebook. Maybe I’m old school as well, (at least old!)


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  • 1 year later...

I’m also old in my head. My wife jokes that I’m 45 going onto turning 90. 😂🤣. I’ve only just discovered this forum and sadly, it seems, most of its activity is from years ago. There is a lot of great information here. Surely, having a dedicated forum is better than using facebook. Facebook has too many distractions. Keep posting my SIB friends. I have learned so much already and been amazed at how good some of you are. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been absent a while (because of my chronic illness again), but I love this forum! I've noticed that there is very little posting and interaction now.  I would urge those who are in the know to respond to new people joining and asking questions if you can. Kind of off-putting for someone to get excited about finding this forum and getting no responses at all the first time they ask for help about something in this wonderful world of SIB. I really hope the activity picks back up. I would really miss this if it was gone. 

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