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Topics to Submit

Welcome to The Bottled ShipWright. If you have a specialized technique or building method that you would like to share please let us know. Please private message (PM) Chasseur here on the website. I am looking for any articles you would like to share. If you could please send them to me either in a word, a scanned copy, or PDF format that would be great. If you want to send pictures of your build or topic please watch the file size when sending. Your submission will go into our biannual journal along with your name as the author of the article.

Topics may include:

  • Building techniques
  • Types of bottles or light bulbs
  • Types of seas
  • Specialized tools
  • Your Man Cave - submit a picture or two of your hobby bench
  • Building materials
  • Anything Naval that would appeal to our readers
  • Types of paints you use
  • Methods for painting a back-drop inside the bottle or light bulb
  • And anything else you feel would help our members or maybe it's just some words of encouragement

We hope to hear from you soon ... Chasseur

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