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Bottled Ship Builder

Ship in bottle inherited

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Curious to learn more and delve into this immersive world of bottled ships. 
I found the background of the port this ship is sailing into is from a postcard printing co from Milan (Stab Grarico Cesarean Capello, Milano), but it doesn’t say where the depicted image is from. It has cactus and a flower bush in the foreground & a volcano blowing smoke in the background, with a gorgeous Mediterranean/Roman type built environ (sandstone?). 
The ship has two masts and four rows of sales. Lace trim on the stern and bow. And a lifeboat. There is a simple lighthouse. Sale looks Italian…so guessing it’s an Italian ship. But the lighthouse has a green flag. 
So I’ve included some photos before cleaning up the bottle - not sure if I should clean it… Not sure what to do with it. Would appreciate your thoughts and ideas : ) with thanks 😊 









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