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Bottled Ship Builder

New Beginnings


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Hello and Thanks for the welcome.

I have been modelling in one form or another most of my life. My last go at a ship in a bottle was 45 years ago. I have thought about it over the years, but it was displaced by many, many, other things.  I am thinking of having another go and I am looking at something to build and something to put it in. Emptying a special purpose bottle won't be a problem!


Edited by oldflyer2
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Old Flyer:

Well, welcome aboard on our forum. I'm sure after you explore our place on the internet you will find out that you are among good fellows. We all have various levels of skills in model making here. The range of which represented within our pages  is huge.

Have any special skills that you would like to share with us? We're all ears. Come on and build with us.

Best regards Bruce Foxworthy😉


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Thanks for the welcome.

I am enjoying just browsing some of the threads to see what has been done and what is being done. 

I am trying to decide what to do as far as a subject goes. My eyes are not what they were when I did my first SIB, so I won't be looking for a lot of detail.

Thanks again.


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