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Bottled Ship Builder

Small topsail schooner

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I am making good progress now, and have completed all the fore-and-aft sails.   The next task is to complete the standing rigging, and fit the running rigging on the mainmast.   Then, all that remains, will be to fit and rig the two square sails on the foremast.      This model is fitted with the tiny deadeyes described in another thread.




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The sea above is polystyrene foam of the soft, crumbly type that they use to pack electrical equipment in. It is shaped with a gas blowtorch with the air intake turned off, so that the flame is only as strong as a candle flame. Then, to give it a painting surface, I stick a sheet of crepe paper on top with white wood glue. I use crepe paper because it stretches and can be pushed into the hollows. Then I spray it with grey matt primer from halford's. My wife then paints the sea using Humbrol enamels.     Totally unsuitable for ships in bottles.



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