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Bottled Ship Builder

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Hi all,i have made numerous SIBs and always used paper of some type,my favorite was till roll paper from older shop tills. Now though i cannot find the same quality paper.Anyhow what i have been testing lately is toilet wipes material,unused of course LOL.unfold and lay flat to dry out,handle with care.It has a great fibrous appearance. I have sprayed starch on a sheet and let it dry slowly,it has gained enough strength i think that with care it could be used.Trial 2 will be to dry a sheet,colour with food colouring dry again then starch ? Also as starch needs ironing when used as normal i will try a dyed sheet, may make it too brittle ? Another great use for the toilet wipe is for furling sails.looks great with practice. I daresay that different brands may have a stronger texture.What do you think of the idea ? or am i the last person to try the method ? It does have a fine cotton appearance when dried. Cheers ,Pete.

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Must say that I never thought about using toilet wipes for sails. Could be a good idea. Maybe have to try them out sometime (dried). Can't believe I'm repling to a topic about toilet wipes :lol:

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