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Our daughter woke us up this morning very frightened. The house was getting smoky. Our electric furnace was on fire. I was dumping baking soda & flour on the flames the best I could while my wife was on the phone with 911 & everybody ordering me out of the house. When the fire department got there they found only smoke & heat. I believe a Higher Power put that fire out. I am upset because I know we don't have the money to fix/replace the furnace but I am so thankful our house didn't burn down. We do have a small fireplace for the colder nights. Will be extra thankful this Thanksgiving!



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You are very lucky that no one was hurt. Fire can spread very quickly. I have been in your position and had a fire on my boat

caused by a heater. The fire department was there very quickly and since I never locked the boat the damage was just to the

interior. Lucky I had insurance and some good friends that stopped me from being homeless. It was close to four months before

I was back on board.

J Zuch

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Wow! glad it wasn't any worse for you!


Woke up to a cold house this morning. I was up & down all night keeping a small fire going (mostly slow burning coals) in the fireplace to have some heat. It got down in the 20s last night here. Still very thankful. Rather have a cold house than a burned down house!



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